Order of registers: ABCDMSLP
Peripheral addresses
- 0x80 - 0x8f: two 8-bit input switches (first for even addresses and second for odd)
- 0x90 - 0x9f: teletype (input - keyboard, output - printing)
Instructions set
- 000: A / empty - jump always
- 001: Z - jump if zero (Z=1)
- 010: NS - jump if positive (S=0)
- 011: C - jump if carry (C=1)
- 100: NC - jump if not carry (C=0)
- 101: S - jump if negative (S=1)
- 110: NZ - jump if not zero (Z=0)
00010--- -------- HALT
00000--- -------- NOP
00101ddd -----aaa LOAD d, a
00100ddd iiiiiiii LOAD G, Imm
00111sss -----aaa STORE G, P
00110sss iiiiiiii STORE G, Imm
1ccc1111 aaaaaaaa CALL Cond, Imm
1ccc0111 aaaaaaaa JMP Cond, Imm
1ccc0ddd iiiiiiii MOVI Cond, Gd, Imm8
00011ddd -sss---- MOV Gd, Gs
01bbbddd ixxxryyy OP Gd, Gs1, Op2
01111ddd -sssruu0 OP Gd, Gs
Binary ops
- OR
Unary ops
- NOT - bitwise not
- SHR - shift to right
- ROR - rotate to right
- RCR - rotate through CY to right